About Our Business

We have established a reputation for producing some of the highest quality examination couches available on the market. Our products are robustly constructed, offering the level of durability suited to environments where patient throughput can be very high.

Our products have supplied both the domestic and international healthcare markets and we are proud of the excellent service we provide. Our furniture is based upon intelligent, progressive designs and is manufactured in our modern facility in the UK.

Our focus on superior quality, research, development and innovation has secured Medi‑Plinth’s position as a leading British manufacturer regularly supplying to the NHS and UK Healthcare markets.

Physiotherapy Range

Designed, Developed & Tested

Our products are designed and tested with experience healthcare professionals

“Medi-Plinth are both customer and patient focused, as opposed to being led by sales”

What does this mean in practise?
We have developed long-term relationships with major distributors in healthcare sectors, these partners are our primary approach to selling. This leaves us free to concentrate on our products and designs, ensuring they meet their requirements and offer a long working-life.

An examination/treatment couch is an item of great importance, as it is likely to be used several times a day and will be seen by the patient on virtually every visit. If the couch isn’t fit-for-purpose it will have a damaging effect on efficiency and patients experience. Medi-Plinth have worked with clinicians to ensure that all of our products are suited for their intended use.

Manufacturing Credentials

Products built to the highest standards, providing a long working-life

We are assessed and registered by the BSI Group and conform to the requirements of: EN ISO 13485:2016. We manufacture to the Class 1 Medical Devices that are CE and UKCA marked.

Our quality management system applies to the design, manufacture and inspection of our medical examination/therapy couches and medical furniture.

We have great confidence in the quality of our products, so much so we are able to offer a seven year warranty on all couch frames, plus a thee year warranty on moving parts.

BSI Certificate
See our comprehensive range of products and upholstery options